
The LNSE Blog

This blog allows us to share our experience, keep you informed of news from the world of documents, and develop important topics in the world of archiving, digitization and document management.

Good reading.

LNSE numérise les archives pour Zeendoc
by Romain GARAUD 21 February 2025
LNSE, expert en numérisation et archivage, facilite l'intégration d'archives papier dans Zeendoc. Découvrez comment LNSE optimise la gestion documentaire avec des solutions sur mesure, alliant GED et conservation physique des documents.
Extraire données CD
by Romain Garaud 13 September 2024
Les CD étaient très en vogue du milieu des années 1990, jusqu'à fin 2010 car ils apportaient une solution de stockage de données numériques pertinente. Comment extraire et récupérer ces données ?
Vectorisation de plans par LNSE
by Romain Garaud 8 August 2024
Vectorisez vos plans avec une qualité professionnelle. LNSE possède un réel savoir faire en numérisation et vectorisation de plans.
archivage box stockage LNSE
by Romain Garaud 6 August 2024
L'archivage en box de stockage n'est pas la meilleure solution et est extrêmement cher par rapport à un stockage chez un archiveur.
archivage dossiers patients
by Romain Garaud 2 August 2024
Comment gérer vos dossiers patients lors de votre départ à la retraite ? Nos conseils dans cet article.
by Romain Garaud 9 July 2024
Comment numériser les documents d'entreprise avec LNSE ?
archivage de liquidations judiciaires LNSE
by Romain Garaud 4 June 2024
LNSE assure la conservation des archives pour liquidateurs judiciaires et entreprises en redressement judiciaire.
Numérisation dossier locataire
by Romain GARAUD 27 May 2024
Comment numériser les dossiers locataires des bailleurs sociaux ? La mise en place de la numérisation pour intégrer les dossiers locataires sur l'espace numérique des fichiers.
Stockage d'archives pour les cabinets d'avocats.
by Romain Garaud 5 April 2024
Etude d'un cas pour une prestation d'archivage physique externalisée de documents d'un cabinet d'avocats.
by Romain Garaud 1 March 2024
La gestion des archives en amont du déménagement
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LNSE changes address!

GED digitization and archiving service provider


Seen in the Press

Presse LNSE numérisation

Digitization of filesurban planners

The digitization of town planning files is part of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) approach which aims to digitize the processes of design, construction and use of a building or infrastructure.
Discover a client case, a local authority, which dematerialized its town planning files in order to facilitate consultation and sharing of documents.
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Numérisation dossiers urbanisme

LNSE is ISO 9001 certified

We are pleased to announce our ISO 9001 version 2015 certification, obtained during the summer of 2017.
In 2016, LNSE management deemed it necessary to set up a Quality Management System. An ISO 9001 certification process was initiated and carried out by the LNSE teams.
Registered for our digitization and EDM activities, this certification reflects our constant efforts to improve our document dematerialization processes.
For our customers, this certification demonstrates our desire to offer high-quality services.

LNSE numérisation ISO 9001


BULL DUPLICOPY, a digital printer, is joining forces with LNSE to offer its customers electronic archiving services.
BULL DUPLICOPY was looking for a solution for digitizing technical documentation for one of its industrial clients. “Rather than internal development, we chose to rely on a professional partner in the digitization of documentary funds. We remain the end customer’s preferred commercial contact,” explains Patrick Leroyer, head of BULL DUPLICOPY.
BULL DUPLICOPY selected LNSE because of its scanning center, designed to scan documents of different formats: classic paper, large formats, microfiche and microfilm. The project made it possible to dematerialize and index several thousand technical files made up of A4 bundles, paper plans and microfiche. This service was carried out without constraint for the end user, because LNSE guaranteed permanent and rapid access to documents requiring urgent consultation.
In the end, the client was completely satisfied with the result of the project carried out jointly by BULL DUPLICOPY and LNSE.
“This partnership is part of the secure and professional solutions offered by the BULL group. It allows us to provide a global response in the field of digital archiving” adds Patrick LEROYER.
Learn more about our scanning solutions

on 13.01.2014
Partenariat numérisation LNSE

Sponsoring LNSE - BC Arbreslois

LNSE becomes a partner of the Basket Club Arbreslois
Learn more: Facebook

on 17.12.2013
partenariat numérisation sport
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