Destruction documents


and sensitive data

Destroy your paper and digital media.

LNSE destroys your confidential archives in all formats

destruction documents administratifs

Administrative documents

LNSE NFZ42-026 scan

Large formats and technical documents

destruction supports numériques

Digital media and computer backups

LNSE NFZ42-026 données

Books, documentary libraries

Archive destruction service on request

LNSE destroys your archives upon request.

We deploy our teams on your site to collect the archives. The documents are transported and secured to the LNSE site.

The documents are destroyed by our teams, on our site, with transmission of a certificate of destruction.


Cross cut 160 mm²

destruction archives clients

Destruction of documents and digital archives

The destruction of your documents provides real added value, after the digitization of these documents.

There digitization makes it possible to maintain the availability of information in dematerialized form. The interest in keeping the documents therefore becomes quite low.

We destroy these archives confidentially, on our site.

The destruction of post-scanning documents is always carried out upon validation by our clients.

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